SEC 2083 (3-99) Potential persons who are to respond to the collection of information contained in this form are not required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB control number.

OMB Number: 3235-0329
Expires: May 31, 2001
Estimated average burden
hours per response. . . 0.25

United States
Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D. C. 20549


Transmittal Form for Electronic Format Documents Under the
EDGAR System

PART I — SUBMISSION INFORMATION (Read the instructions before completing the following items.)

1. CIK of Sender of diskette(s) or tape(s) ______________________
2. Name of Sender of diskette(s) or tape(s) ______________________
3. Number of diskette(s) or tape(s) in package ______________________
4. Person to contact in the event of problems regarding the diskette(s) or tape(s)

a. Name ___________________________________________________

b. Telephone Number (including Area Code)     (         )_______________________


1. Volume ID on internal label: ______________________________________
2. Language: ________________ ASCII ________________ EBCDIC
3. Density: ________________ 1600 bpi ________________ 6250 bpi

1. Sides: ________________ Single ________________ Double
2. Density: ________________ Single ________________ Double ________________ High
3. Word Processing data (See the EDGAR Filer Manual for acceptable formats):

Format: ________________ Word Processing

________________ Print Image (ASCII)

If in word processing format, please provide:

Name of word processing software: __________________________________

Version of word processing software: __________________________________
4. Hardware on which the diskette was prepared:

Brand: ________________

Model Number: ________________

Operating system: ________________

General Instructions

1. Rule as to Use of Form ET

One copy of this form shall accompany all diskette or magnetic tape submissions. Diskettes or magnetic tapes, regardless of the manner of delivery, should be addressed:

450 5TH STREET, N.W.

2. Preparation of Diskette or Magnetic Tape Submissions

Attention is directed to the EDGAR Filer Manual which contains information and procedures for electronic filing.

A. All files on a diskette must be in the same word processing format.

B. More than one submission may be sent on a diskette or magnetic tape; however, each submission must be contained in a single file. The Commission will assume that each file on a diskette or magnetic tape contains a separate submission and will transfer all such files to the EDGAR system. Therefore, the preparer should recheck all files prior to sending a diskette or magnetic tape to the Commission to ensure that it contains only those files intended to be sent.

C. If more than one diskette or magnetic tape is used, their order of processing should be indicated on the external label of each diskette or magnetic tape, e.g., 1 of 3; 2 of 3, etc.

D. Please write the CIK of the Sender on the external label of each diskette or magnetic tape.

E. To expedite processing of diskettes or magnetic tapes, please write in large, bold letters on the envelope or carton: EDGAR DISKETTE or EDGAR MAGNETIC TAPE, as appropriate.

3. Preparation of Form

A. The form should be completed carefully as this data will be used by the Commission to transfer submissions from the diskette(s) or magnetic tape(s) to the EDGAR system.

B. The CIK and Name of Sender requested in Part I should be that of the filer or filing agent, whichever prepared and sent the diskette(s) or magnetic tape(s) to the Commission.

C. The contact person identified in Part I should be the person who can respond to technical questions concerning the electronic preparation of the diskette(s) or magnetic tape(s).

D. If more than one filer and/or more than one submission is included on the diskette(s) or magnetic tape(s) submitted, it is not necessary to complete a separate form for each filer or submission if the information contained in Parts I, II, and III is identical for all filers and submissions.

4. Signatures

While there are no signature requirements to Form ET, each of the various electronic forms to be filed on diskette or magnetic tape that accompany Form ET contains certain signature requirements. Such electronic forms and other documents required to be manually signed shall be in typed form. See Rule 302 of Regulation S-T (§232.302 of this chapter).

5. Application of General Rules and Regulations

The electronic filer is subject to Regulation S-T (Part 232 of this chapter) and the Filer Manual. Attention is directed to the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, and the Investment Company Act of 1940, as modified by any electronic filing provisions to such rules and regulations.
Last update: 08/27/1999

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