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Why entrepreneurship?
If we push the envelope of consciousness, and keep pushing -- subliminal suggestion, neuro-linguistic programming, intuition, taking measures to exact the purest conscience to maximize intuition, telepathy -- we tend to reach a point where synchronicity is occuring like cars in an intersection at rush hour. We maintain the lowering of boundaries by a pure and loving intention and actions. At that point, the mortal model of existence starts to give way to something that is supposed to supersede mortal construct. Something as simple as goodness in thought and action.
Entrepreneurship can be part of this passage, if it is kept very philanthropic and doesn't become an end in itself. At least, that's the theory. In practice, thinking about "the harvest" seems to provide a generous share of temptations. The inkling of insight I have pulled from studying some of the purer documents of applied metaphysics -- Christian Science, mainly -- is that treasure plays a pretty big role. "Forgive us our debts" has a few implied messages. First, if you wanted an advantage over others, it has to play out as a loss of advantage (debt) for you. Oooops.
Do we try to have this happen? Of course not.
But advantage is not the same as abundance. Abundance is free from God, like manna, a win-win. Advantage-attempting is a mistake made by the ignorant or mislead/tempted/rushed. It is the lottery and most gambling, the commodities market, unprincipled negotiations, and inconsiderate behavior.
Now the tough part: all the poverty and accumulation in human perception. 19 out of 20 beings struggling over 5% of the "wealth," underbidding one another (insisting on buying "discount") and lowering their expectations and working feet-and-ankles below their potential. Given this "appearance," how can one steer a harmonious course of entrepreneurship?
Subjectively, we are told that this greediness comes from our own thought. Ouch. Christ Jesus said that we could repent and leave the "payment" for our greediness in the water of our repentance/baptism. And our self-resentment and insecurity? Will they allow us to make a shilling? If we had a zillion dollars, would we set about to pay others to eliminate the world's problems using brazenly spiritual approaches and philanthropic research projects? How would we pay them? Would we encourage others to become indebted to us, or to be free? How would we value them?
The inference that one should follow the course of accepting the best-worst work, and be paid according to the available 0.38% is not Christian. It ain't there. I don't see it. We are supposed to embark on a journey of spiritual power and goodness, not credit card debt and rent woes. Abundance should appear to assist our efforts to reduce suffering and prove the presence and power of God. We may not need to be paid $4,800 per hour to achieve abundance, but if that kind of abundance is appearing and facilitates greater abundance, only wrong thinking can impede it.
Is there an advantage to pricing oneself what one is worth? Yes. And one may do this -- without disadvantaging the exceptionally rich, who we must KNOW want to see us adequately compensated to actualize the Kingdom of Heaven -- by avoiding money until we feel confident we deserve our rate, by not accepting payment in money, by learning skills sets that already have relatively high set rates, by offsetting payment against some project, using barter, working "on spec," and only working in unique areas or fields. All of these techniques inform the other "19" and value them appropriately. Temptation may still arrive in news stories or thoughts of unfair competition, suppliers, resentment or covetousness. As long as we neither focus on them nor identify with them, our progress should unfold harmoniously. Covetting one's neighbor's water and manservant, or resentment, may be reflected as an unwillingness by others to share. It can appear in newscasts about foreigners with ten children, or newspaper stories about corruption in high places. One answer is to make every effort to help others live spiritually fuller and more vital lives (such as the telemarketer who you offer to pray for and recommend another career to), and to be pure and just in all dealings, and to avoid work in areas where one's pricing may be at issue, until your confidence is established.
What kind of confidence? Confidence that wealth is holding in thought full churches, healing, spiritual devotion and affection throughout world society. Confidence that abundance is spiritual, reflecting one's love of God and fellow man, so that no one will have to lose in order for all to benefit. Confidence that $4,800 an hour is a reasonable rate of pay, for others, as well as for yourself.
Another solution is to involve spirituality in how one approaches work and to offer to pray for businesses as well as individuals. Request prayer:
Implied in these hypotheses is that the human experience is highly subjective, that what we perceive as birth is the start of a kind of hypnotic trance, that experiences like heartburn, viruses, poverty, commerce, concupisence and religion are all products of thought before they may occur in perception. This is stated very explicitly in Christianity -- no deadly thing shall harm you, adultery in your heart is adultery in action, remarriage is adultery, one cures "insanity" by not accepting that a person needs medication but by letting evil thoughts fall away into the deep, emerging free.
If the transcendental frame of reference is true, what appears to be a rocketship may be a decision to be more honest, and such a rocket "program" may be destroyed by duplicitousness and infidelity. Christ Jesus' observations about Caesar would also seem to affirm this concept. Render unto the authority you have on earth what is demanded, (this demand is from your pride, greed and unrepentance), mindful that this is all perception, granted by God.
The "economy" exists in ways we may not very well understand. One hypothesis is that everything from the traffic on the freeway, to insects in the garden, to the weather, to the stock market, is a reflection of consciousness. Talking about clouds denies thought's importance to the same degree as talking about S&P 500 earnings or fed policy. Neither should we react to any of them. Believing that clear thought can clear traffic is a little heavier than some may feel comfortable with.
Judge not, lest ye be judged. If you want to help the poor spiritually and seemingly physically, go to it. There is no reason one cannot create a web site with an e-mail account for every worker in the world, and to pay them according to what they are worth voluntarily. Set out to live a more miraculous lifestyle and include the expectant appreciative thought. If there is doubt in your thinking due to the seeming appearance of injustice, become determined -- proof of God's reality or theirs, but mindful that disbelief is provable to a point. There are geniuses completely alive and alert all around us! Beautiful special people who are only waiting for us to reach out to them. Be wise as serpents; quiz without accusation, and avoid negative contentiousness.
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